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In our blog we want to be a guide and share interesting articles around the topic of emergencies and matching bracelets. Have fun reading!

Karina Voß, author at

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Wristbands Elderly

GPS Wristbands for the Elderly Everybody wants to enjoy their share of independence and the...

Rape Statistics

Rape Statistics in Europa Sweden and Denmark have been identified as the countries where most...

Zembro Bracelet for Seniors

Zembro bracelet has been designed as an intelligent watch for elderly people in your family....

Alarmbands goes to SPORT 2000

Unsere bunten Alarmbands sind nun auch endlich in den österreichischen Filialen von SPORT 2000 und...

Field report from Ingrid Hofstätte

Ingrid, Hofstätter, art dealer Work-related, I’m always on the move, but also in my leisure...

Safety Tips for Female Runners

Runners: Safety Tips for Running in the Dark Some people find it extremely exciting an...

Safety Strap for Buggies

It is essential on your part to provide a safe environment when you want to...