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In our blog we want to provide advice and share interesting articles on the subject of emergencies and suitable bracelets.
Have fun while reading!

Karina Voß, author at

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Pocket siren test

Pocket sirens are passive weapons (i.e. do not directly injure aggressors) and exist in a variety of...

Self-defense courses in Carinthia

The self-safety training “Capless” (Cap less = without a cap) was developed by the Carinthian police officer Patrick Jaritz...

Backpacker safety tips

How to travel safely to distant countries as a backpacker If you only travel with your backpack...

Self-defense tips for women

Due to the large influx of refugees, attacks on women have recently increased. We have...

Pocket alarm scares away attackers - the pocket siren with 120 DB

The pocket alarm with 120 DB Women are increasingly using pepper sprays, electric shock guns and pocket sirens...

Self-defense: Women defend themselves

“I often go home alone after work. That's it for me once...

Self-defense with pepper spray

Many women feel increasingly insecure. Especially when they walk alone through parks at night...