For seniors
Cancel home emergency call Germany
How can you cancel a home emergency call service in Germany?
The home emergency call is an essential basis for communication with the emergency call center or with relatives. A home emergency call system is an absolute must-have for seniors and people in need of help, and concluding such a contract is strongly recommended. Most home emergency call contracts are open-ended, so proper notice of termination is required to end the contract.
Regardless of the reasons for cancellation, there are a few important points to consider in order to cancel the home emergency call in Germany correctly and easily. Further information about home emergency call systems without contractual obligations in Germany can be found at:
Emergency call bracelets or home emergency call systems in Germany without a contract
How long is the notice period?
The most important thing at a glance right at the beginning: The unlimited contract for a home emergency call in Germany can be canceled at any time. Depending on the provider and any additional services included, the notice periods may vary. In general, however, it can be said that the notice period in Germany is between just under two and four weeks. However, if this is not the case, the provider must still adhere to the legally stipulated maximum notice period of three months.
How does an immediate or extraordinary termination of the home emergency call work?
In some cases, immediate or extraordinary termination of the contract is possible. The following list shows some of the examples that allow such a form of termination:
- Death of the person using the home emergency number
- Technical errors in the device or malfunctions that occur
- Increase in provider fees
If one of these cases occurs, termination will take place under special conditions. What is important here is the so-called letter of termination, in which the reason for the immediate or extraordinary termination is stated. In addition to a written explanation of the termination of the home emergency call in Germany, the necessary documents must also be enclosed that prove the reason for the termination.
In the event of a technical fault or a malfunction of the device, it is recommended that you first contact the provider before signing the cancellation directly. In most cases, a solution is found and a new device is provided at no additional cost.
In the event of a death, the death certificate is required; in the event of technical malfunctions, proof of the error messages is required. Example of a cancellation letter: “Due to the death of Ms./Mr. (first name, last name) on (date) OR the announced fee increase, I would like to terminate the contract on (date).”
The letter should also include the full name, the contract number and the official date of termination. If the cancellation is not confirmed by the provider after 14 days at the latest, you should inquire by email or telephone. This is the only way to prevent additional payments.
In order to avoid errors when writing for a termination without notice or without notice, templates can be used. It is also important to always send the letter by registered mail or by fax. In this way, delivery can be ensured and termination can take place within the desired time. Thanks to the immediate proof of shipping, the process can run smoothly and well documented.
The contract cannot be terminated directly – what should I do?
In a few exceptions and often depending on the contract terms, a contract cannot be terminated directly. A situation that can be very stressful for both the person and their relatives and entails additional expenses. In such a case, it is recommended to contact the nursing care insurance company. Nursing care insurance can reimburse monthly rental costs of up to around 18 euros and also covers installation costs of up to 10 euros. This support represents an acceptable solution for many users of the home emergency call in Germany until it is completely terminated.
What happens to the devices included in the contract?
For example, a home emergency call in Germany can be sent via a special watch that the person wears on their wrist. In other cases, tablets or smartphones are also included in the contract. Regardless of the type of device and the aids required for the emergency call, these devices must be returned or sent back to the provider within a short time after the contract is terminated. It is recommended that you do this immediately after cancellation. As soon as the termination has been officially confirmed by the provider and the devices have been returned, the home emergency call is considered terminated. It is advisable for relatives to continue to keep the documents and check in the following months that no further payments have been made.
Back into the contract – is that possible?
After canceling the home emergency call in Germany, can you go back into the contract? This case may occur due to new benefits or other reasons. If you wish for a new term after termination, you always have the option of signing a new contract. Whether with the same provider or a new home emergency call service - there is always a solution here.